
After Hours & Emergencies

For after hour emergencies, call 919-587-4051 and you will be directed to the after-hours answering service.

We will not address appointment cancellations or scheduling, medication refills, or referrals outside of regular business hours.

You may use the patient portal 24 hours a day at no charge for these services.

For more urgent concerns, the after-hours answering service will contact the provider on call. To cover the expense of this service, we charge a $25 fee per call, which is billed to the patient, not to insurance.

For true emergencies, patients and families will need to seek other resources in addition to contacting the after-hours provider.

Options include calling:

  • 988 New Mental Health Crisis Number/Hotline 

  • 911 For Medical Emergency or need for Fire/Police/EMS

  • 866-241-7245 Mobile Crisis for Wayne/Lenoir/Sampson/Duplin/ Wilson/Greene Counties

  • 919-746-8900 Triangle Springs Inpatient Hospital/Partial Hospital in Raleigh

Patients and families may also be instructed to go to their closest emergency department.